In accordance with the provisions in the Company’s Articles of Association and the prevailing regulations, the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) is the highest governance body in the Company, which has the authority to determine matters that cannot be decided by the Board of Commissioners or the Board of Directors.
Among the authorities given exclusively to the GMS are the authority to appoint and dismiss the members of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors, amend the Company’s Articles of Association, and decide on matters related to dividend distribution.
The GMS in the Company consists of the Annual GMS (AGMS), held at least once every year, and the Extraordinary GMS (EGMS), which can be held at any time as deemed necessary, according to the provisions in the Company’s Articles of Association.
The preparation and organization of the GMS is carried out in accordance with the applicable OJK regulations, with the tages of announcement, summons, submission of agendas, and implementation of GMS documented properly, to then be reported to OJK, BEI, and announced on media with nationwide circulation in Indonesia and on the Company’s website.
Decision-making at the GMS is carried out by prioritizing deliberation for consensus. If this method cannot produce a valid decision, then a vote will be conducted by counting the number of shares with valid voting rights that agree with the agenda being finalized.
In 2022, the Company held:
1. The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS) on 14th July 2022 in Mangkuluhur City, 7th Floor, St. Gatot Subroto, which was attended by 1,212,156,968 shares with a valid voting right or equivalent to 86.58% of all shares with a valid voting right issued by the Company.
2. Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS) on 14th July 2022 in Mangkuluhur City, 7th Floor, St. Gatot Subroto, which was attended by 1,212,140,468 shares with a valid voting right or equivalent to 86.58% of all shares with a valid voting right issued by the Company.
The Company conducted the abovementioned AGMS and EGMS in accordance with the provisions of the Law No. 40/2007 on Limited Liability Companies and OJK Regulation No. 32/ POJK.04/2014 on Plan and Implementation of General Meeting of Shareholders of Public Companies.
*Source: PT Distribusi Voucher Nusantara Tbk. Annual Report 2022